4 Hour Sales Training with Deal Closing Phone + Email Scripts
4 Hour Sales Training with Deal Closing Phone + Email Scripts
4 Hour Sales training with Sales Email Writing + Phone Scripts.
Crafting an Engaging Sales Phone & Email Sequence
You will outline your own powerful sales email sequence based on our templates/formulas we've tested and improved over multiple offers, and types of products/events
You'll leave with the knowledge of how often you'll ask for the sale in your emails, and how you will pitch via email and phone
You'll grasp and begin to brainstorm ideas for the 5 types of sales emails we teach
You will leave with detailed knowledge of "the 4 rules of engagement" for writing a compelling email you want people to read
You will practice the structure of sales emails & calls that convert
You will leave with one of your own sales emails drafted out
Ready to change the way you approach sales emails and calls. . . forever?
And again, that price is NOT a typo. It’s a special price we’re offering during these crazy times where travel is restricted, and the world is changing, but you still have to continue working on your business . . . since nobody else is going to do it for you.
Once you register you will receive your log in details